Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Bollinger Bands Forex Trading Strategies

Bollinger Bands is an indicator that many companies tend to get their cards, even if they are really looking at other indicators of technical analysis and do not actually Bollinger Bands.

Let's look at how to use this common indicators to make us more winning trades, mostly a combination of other technical indicators, such as the stochastic oscillator.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Mike Litmanen Success Secrets

Many people set goals is the key to achieving your goals in life. This is exactly the truth is, it may be the tip of a variety of people and cost is perhaps not appear new to you. You  definitely be familiar with these gurus of your own, reading books and the Net. All say the same thing earlier, define your goals, giving you the chance to succeed. In case you need to succeed in your aim setting method, here are methods on how to do it.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Beware Buaya

hi temen-temen pembaca. jumpa di postingan yang baru lagi. atas request seorang teman yang tanya mengenai "ciri-ciri playboy", maka yeriko mengupas mengenai playboy dalam article ini. sebenarnya ini sama juga membuka kartu ku sendiri....hehehe... tapi demi para pembaca supaya terhindar dari buaya buaya yang berjalan dengan 2 kaki di sekitar kita. berikut ciri-ciri kami... eh, mereka....

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Pentas dangdut selalu saja ramai. Sorak riuh penonton membahana di udara. Sita Manis Madu terus bernyanyi dan bergoyang dengan erotisnya. Para lelaki hidung belang mengantri  memberi saweran. Ya,mereka menunggu giliran memasukkan uang saweran didalam kutang si biduan dan setelahnya bisa memegang pantat semok biduan itu sambil bergoyang bersama.Memang menyenangkan,tak peduli berapa rupiah melayang dari dompet masuk ke kutang.
Biduan paling laris sekarang memang Sita Manis Madu. Kemunculannya selalu di tunggu-tunggu

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Commerce And Put Money In REOS With Jeff Adams Model

Bank owned properties that can not be thought about to provide assets for lenders to managers who require to adjust the balance by dropping a giant number of properties as feasible in each house.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Bank Check Routing Numbers Online

Bank routing numbers are used to report a check comes. This can be important on various levels & can be verified online.

What is the bank routing number?

Thursday, August 25, 2011

How To Reduce The Risk Of Liability

There are different types of insurance. These include professional liability, professional liability, fleet, Insurance IP, etc. In case you are employing staff for your business, it is necessary by law to cover against any accident or injury at work. In plenty of cases this may also include independent contractors. As an employer, it is important that you ought to have insurance that will pay when the worker becomes injured, killed or become ill when they are at work. In most nations around the liability insurance of the employer globe is mandatory by law.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

How To Start Your Own Nest At Home

To answer the sizable query: how to start your own residence care, you need to understand what makes this business profitable. There's lots of day care centers, working full enrollment of 35 to 65 babies, however, the break-even. This is due to rules imposed leading to significant overhead. To tear the annual profit fall "before taxes" bracket of $ 100 000, need facilities to take care of 150 to 200 babies will be necessary.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

cari uang dari afiliasi

hi friends.... ni aku mau bagi bagi ilmu.... dari pada temen-temen cuma internetan buat FBan doank.... bisa buat cari uang juga....bahkan bisa manfaatin facebook, twitter dan lain-lain buat cari uang... hasilnya lumayan loh... dan tanpa modal sepeser pun... caranya gampang tinggal click banner di samping kiri atau click link di bawah ini... terus daftar....
1.  cari uang dan gaji gratis click disini
2.  cari uang dari kumpul bloger. kamu juga bisa dapat iklan click disini
3.  cari uang via email. click disini
4.  ni afiliasi internasional yang terpercaya. daftar disini 

Monday, August 22, 2011


Lasmi hanya tertunduk malu ketika Raka terus memandanginya. Telah 1 jam mereka duduk di teras rumah Lasmi,dan selama itu pula lasmi hanya terdiam atau sekedar tersenyum dan tersipu malu mendengar rayuan Raka. Lasmi tak tahu hubungannya dengan Raka lebih dari sekedar teman atau tidak. Sebenarnya telah lama ia menyimpan perasaan pada lelaki di hadapannya itu. Raka pun seperti membiarkan perasaan Lasmi semakin mendalam padanya. Tapi Raka tak kunjung juga menyatakan perasaannya yang sebenarnya. Namun,kedekatan mereka semakin bertambah setiap harinya.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

3D CAD Designer

The companies that promote on TV & online are the use of 3D graphics. These 3D images do not come from nowhere, though. Special Programs CAD program permits designers to generate these models CAD 3D using various 3D processing commands. Textures, shadows, surface materials, & lighting can be applied with this program. The detail is a way to finish. 3D designers have spent hours & even days to generate the simplest objects with CAD program.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

10 Gitaris Terbaik Duna Versi Yeriko

Ini dia gitaris-gitaris terbaik di dunia versi yeriko. Dari berjuta-juta gitaris terhebat didunia, yeriko hanya mengambil 10 nama gitaris berdasarkan dari tehnik, speed dan sound. mungkin ada beberapa nama yang kurang familiar bagi anda, karena 10 gitaris ini diambil berdasarkan skil, bukan sekedar nama besar. inilah nama gitaris-gitaris luar biasa tersebut.

Friday, August 19, 2011

New Mortgage Rules In Canada Would Give Home Buyers The Good News!

At a news conference in Ottawa, Flaherty said the measures will encourage Canadians to save more with the property. He said they also reduce Canadians' exposure to financial risks. "Canada is well regulated housing sector has been an important force that allowed us to keep away from mistakes in other countries and helped to protect us from the worst of the recent global recession," said Minister Flaherty.

The new rules for mortgages, fixed by the federal government, as of March 18, 2011. Mortgages are not obtainable for over a 30-year amortization, and you won't be able to refinance over 85% of the worth of your home. In addition, Ottawa will withdraw public support lines credit insurance secured by residential properties.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

8 Ideas Home Based Business For Women

Not only moms who are looking for ways to win at home, but men tend to want to work at home. The reasons why they are looking for home business ideas for men are very varied. This could be because they were dismissed or you want to replace their jobs with a home business or want to supplement their income.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Other Jobs - How Not Marketing Sales Practices

This is an era of intense competition, where every company wants to make sure to get up and beat the competition. The most important factor that decides whether the company or business is increasing the marketing. Marketing is one of the most sought after in the field every day, to go forward, even more than finance. Unlike finance, marketing is a field that requires you to use your creativity and come up with ideas to promote a product or service offered by the company. Promotion of a product is the most important factor to ensure success. The right promotion, the company can beat all the competition in the market to rise and leaders. Sales Marketing is part of marketing, which is related to the promotion of the product. This requires a platform for new ideas to promote the product so that it differs from other similar products.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Facility Manager An Introduction To The Law On Correction Climate Monitoring Utility

Seeing that most managers of facilities are already tracking utility costs, person additional compact action to see whether you have saved all the energy and the cost of your system power management . before 12 months compared with the costs of costs this year and see if it is saved.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Comparing Yields: Retail Bond Against Bank Deposits

If, like many investors who are risk averse, you have a low income, your storage options include parking your money in the bank because they offer the promise of capital and a safe return. While they are certainly one of the safest options, these instruments offer a low return on your money.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

OSS Telecom - Telecommunications Service In The Fast Lane

Operations Support Systems, Telecom Billing OSS or closely is a new innovation, the method expertise has been invented to improve the traditional telecommunications service. OSS is responsible for the network, which supports the business support systems, which is concerned about intensive business processes. These recent innovations have been successfully demonstrated to analyze & manage the whole method to correct & solve issues that were part of the strategy a few years ago. Customer needs to fill these practices have been under control & monitor every aspect of it would be simple to control, despite the effective management of Telecom billing knowledge.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Free Credit Scores

In Britain, lenders do not must disclose its methodology for consumer credit, are not necessary to disclose the lowest score for the consumer needs to be approved. because of this lack of information for the finish user, it is difficult for an applicant to know in advance in case you must meet the listing requirements of a company. Therefore, the advantage to get your free credit score early reports, to see if that application would be approved or rejected.

Friday, August 12, 2011

tips mengecilkan perut

hi.... temen-temen temen pembaca kali ini yeriko mo ngasih tips mengenai cara mengecilkan perut......gak cuma perut aja.... bisa buat betis.... lengan dan paha..... selain dengan berolah raga, untuk membentuk tubuh kita menjadi lebih indah yaitu dengan mengatur pola makan dan merubah gaya hidup kita yang tidak seahat....

Olahraga terbaik untuk mengecilkan perut buncit adalah Stepping.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Cari Uang dari Internet

hi friends... mau bagi bagi ilmu yang baru aku dapet nih..... mau dapat tambahan uang saku??? coba aja nih... pay per click.... asik loh.... tinggal ngeclick ma nunggu doak... dapet uang..... meskipun receh....hehehehe.. pada awalnya emang receh sih.... penghasilan sehari paling Rp 500,- sampai Rp 1000,- kecil banget kan...hehehe tpi buat sesuatu yang gratis, lumayan kan dapat penghasilan segitu.... coba kita kalikan 1 hari dapet 500 rupiah, dalam 1 bulan dapet 30 x 500 = Rp 15.000,- hehehe.... dikit ya... tapi aku gak cuma ikut 1 pay per click doank...aku ikut 5 pay per click sekaligu... (dapat dilihat dari baner yang aku pasang) coba kita kalikan...

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Facility Management Program As The Practical Integration Of Business

He came to fulfill part of the senior management. Therefore, the design and facilities management with a relevant BSC is a task that companies can not find the funds to overlook in the event that they need their employees are in advanced stages.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

snark alat musik keren

Alat musik keren ni...... bisa bikikn percusion pakai alat apa aja.... tinggal jepit doang..... selain itu ada tuner dan efeknya loh.... pkoke keren.... click aja gambar kalau pibgin tau lebih lengkap

Download anti virus smadav agustus 2011


Smadav adalah Antivirus Lokal Indonesia yang memfokuskan proteksi dan pembersihan tuntas untuk virus-virus lokal yang menyebarluas di Indonesia.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Safety Training Is A Must For All Industries

Ought to be organized in the kind of a written plan for: All companies ought to keep thing in mind, that time management is the largest part of the total & the implementation of any plan. & it is impossible to implement the plan, if all things are not present in written form. There's a selection of security designs that can be used to plan the initiative. Companies ought to pick a plan according to your needs. Each description is specified in the plan.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Aboriginal Jobs In WA

Jobs and Careers WA Indigenous Aboriginal

WA labor market offers excellent opportunities for indigenous employment and employment of Aboriginal people, where people can educate, develop skills and opportunities to take action in Western Australia. Employers recognize that WA Indigenous Australians, rather than some communities in the vicinity of the massive mining and resource projects in WA, to alleviate the crisis of qualified manpower Towards an important source of jobs.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Health And Safety In Manufacturing

Industries to increase production often ignore health and safety. Policies ought to be set and reviewed yearly to improve the worker's surroundings. Alloys, a division of Blessed Fortunate shows us how vital health and safety is a

Friday, August 5, 2011

What Is The Level Of Project Failure Is Acceptable?

Enterprise software project management promises governors and heads of reporting dashboard that provides sophisticated all the information they need for successful management of the work. But I wonder if a strong idea visibility on project performance is sufficient.

Earlier this year, a project management expert and author Harvey Levine was asked: "We have recently up-tick the '. Yellow and red among the portfolios of projects. This raised an interesting question" Is there any Research tells us what the ideal mix of red / yellow / green is a portfolio? '"

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Hi temen-temen….. jumpa lagi dalam postingan yang terbaru….. masih membahas mengenai musik…kali ini aku mau membahas mengenai dinamika…. Masih sama seperti postingan kemarin… postingan kali ini juga tidak lepas dari peran temen kuliahku yaitu bapak Bimo Tri Laksono… hehehehehe….(kenapa dipanggil bapak…karena temenku ini udah jadi pak guru di kota Demak)….. selamat membaca


Cinta itu omong kosong. Banyak orang terluka karena permainan aku cinta kamu. Ya,untuk apa kita dengan sepenuh hati mencintai seseorang jika akhirnya kita akan terluka. Luka karena mencinta akan lebih susah sembuh daripada luka karena apapun. Memang dengan kita membuka hati untuk memulai lembaran baru dengan orang yang berbeda itu akan terkesan lebih mudah dilakukan daripada harus menangisi apa yang telah hilang dari hati kita.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

5 Good Reasons To Invest With Peer To Peer Lending

Peer to peer lending is new and exciting. For the first time lenders can efficiently identify borrowers who are looking for personal loans without having to go to a bank. This process effectively for the benefit of the borrower, giving them another way to get a personal loan without having to comply with strict banking restrictions. The lender benefits by being able to act as a loan officer at the bank, and decide which they want to fund loans, and are paid a higher interest rate for their efforts.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


            Hi temen temen…jumpa lagi di postingan yang baru….. kaemarin kita udah bahas mengenai musik. Dan kali ini kita akan membahasnya lebih dalam, yaitu mengenai salah satu unsure dalam musik…. Apakah itu???? Jreng…. Jreng…. Jreng… dia adalah tempo…. Sudah pernah denger kata Tempo???? Hehehe… bukan tempo majalah lho…. Tapi tempo yang ini nih…… (oh ya…hampir lupa, artikel ini bersumper dari skripsi peman saya yaitu Bimo Tri Laksono)
Tempo adalah

Monday, August 1, 2011

Tanda tanda pacar selingkuh

hi temen temen pambaca..... berikut merupakan tanda-tanda pasangan kamu selingkuh.... kenali lebih jauh perubahan sikap pasangan kamu.... waspadalah.....waspadalah.......

General Information About The Speed Of Transfer Of Funds Abroad

If you need to transfer money abroad, there's only a few simple steps you need to keep in mind. A valid bank account is a must to transfer money anywhere. A serious company that has been in business for at least years are also the best way to secure your finances. & be aware of the rules & regulations for international money transfers are also another important factor to keep in mind. One time you have these points will be a breeze to transfer your money abroad without any error or unexpected bumps along the way.


Hi temen temen ketemu lagi dengan postingan yang baru…kali ini saya mau mengupas apa itu musik….hehehehe kayak kulit kacang aja….. sebenernya artikel ini diambil (dicopast) dari skripsi ku lho yang berjudul “Peranan Efek Gitar Dalam Pertunjukan Musik Band di Semarang”….hehehehehe mungkin bisa berguna buat temen-temen pembaca. Selamat menikmati….